What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

Terry lead the team effort and response was quick and it needed to be. Handled project professionally. Very satisfied with the work.

We had an office/warehouse cleaning that needed to be performed in a timely manner. Rebecca was project manager & responded within an hour of my request. She lined it up for Saturday & her team did an absolutely "great job". They were super nice & did a better job then I even expected. Great service & super folks, can't beat that.  

SERVPRO of Moore sanitized our offices and trucks. Great professional service, on time, and friendly people. If your business needs a good clean, give them a call!

Kristian and Calvin did a very good job, very polite guys. I’m the guy who sits at the front desk that doesn’t usually hear anything that is going on upstairs; they kept me in the loop the whole process. Very impressed!!!